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75 Items That You Need To Stockpile Before A Collapse


I don’t know about you, but I love lists! They help me organize my thoughts, formulate plans, and

give me a benchmark for gauging the productivity of my efforts. Preparedness lends itself well to

list making and the really great thing is that it works great with sub-categories!

I know preppers that put most of their efforts into guns and ammunition, cammo clothes and

Mountain House in #10 cans. But here’s the simple truth: while those things aren’t a bad, if that’s

all you have then you are not prepared!

True preparedness is multi-facetted and requires a whole lot of integration. The good news is

that having the necessities of true preparedness is helpful even now, before the collapse. The

bad news is that if you don’t get it together now, you won’t be able to when the time comes and

you really need it!

Preparedness can sometimes feel like a very daunting and confusing proposition.

I am going to assume that most of you reading this have some idea as to what it takes to be

prepared. So, I’m not going to go into the minutia of what foods to store, gadgets to have, and

so on. If you are totally new to preparedness, there are a lot of resources out there that can get

you pointed in the right direction.

What I want to give here is an outline of some often overlooked, or less prioritized, preps that

are very important and will be hard to come by in the event of any major upsets to the social


I have put this list into categories, loosely ordered from highest to lowest priority. But, make no

mistake, all of these categories are critical, and should be considered and stored in place well

before a collapse situation arises.

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